Former One Life to Live star, BethAnn Bonner (ex-Talia Sahid) will join the cast of All My Children in November. The actress, who got her big break as part of a reality television series, will appear as Kat, a newly created character who has dealings with Zach and Kendall.
Bonner competed in the third installment of SOAPnet's I Wanna Be A Soap Star reality competition. Though Bonner didn't win the show's top prize -- a 13-week contract with One Life to Live -- the network was impressed with her work, and ABC ultimately extended the aspiring actress a contract offer anyway.
Bonner made her daytime debut as One Life to Live's Talia in December 2006. The actress was written off the canvas when Talia was felled by a serial killer.
Just a week after the actress made her final on-screen appearance in Llanview, Guiding Light executives hired Bonner for the short-term role of Natasha.
Bonner makes her first AMC appearance on November 6. The role, at least for now, is recurring.