On May 8, actress Noelle Beck (Lily Snyder) marks her one-year anniversary with As the World Turns. Fans may remember that As the World Turns executives were forced to scramble to recast the role of Lily when long-time ATWT vet, Martha Byrne, announced that she would leaving her Emmy-winning role on the CBS soap.
Fans were initially skeptical that any actress other than Byrne could ever pull off playing Lily, but now a year into her Oakdale stay, Beck seems to have won over fans. In a new interview with Michael Fairman, Beck talks about taking over a role made famous by a fan-favorite performer.
"When I met with Chris Goutman about taking over for Martha, it did not dawn on me that I was going to have this tough task. I thought, 'Oh, she does not want to stay. And, you are finding somebody new?'" Beck says. "Well, I did not realize it wasn't as kosher as everybody made it out to be. I was a bit nervous going to work the first day. I have to admit from the first minute I walked through the door, everyone was so amazing. I did not have any weird feeling from anybody."
Beck also takes time out to discuss her personal feelings about having a fictional gay son.
"I personally love the storyline, because I have a brother that is gay," Beck reveals. "I feel very connected to the story for that reason, and I feel very privileged to be able to play Lily in a way that helps my family and me. It's sort of a blessing."
Beck also dishes what it's like to have several handsome leading men, and what it's like to work with Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda Walsh).
For the entire interview, click here.