* Who's Who in Springfield: Floyd Parker | Guiding Light on Soap Central
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Floyd Parker
Who's Who in Springfield: Floyd Parker | Guiding Light on Soap Central
Actor History

Tom Nielson (April 26, 1979 to May 1985)


Former bartender at Tony's place

Former singer

Former custodian at Cedar's


Last known whereabouts: Prison

Marital Status

Single/Never Been Married

Past Marriages



Louise (maiden name unknown) Parker (Mother; deceased)

Katie Parker (sister)


Anastasia Louise Chamberlain (w/Nola)

Flings & Affairs

Lainie Marler (dated)

Nola Reardon (lovers)

Gracie Middleton (dated)

Hillary Bauer (dated; deceased)

Lesley Ann Monroe (engaged; deceased)

Crimes Committed

Assaulted Josh Lewis [September 1982]

Falsely accused and temporarily arrested for stealing money out of the cash register at Tony's Place [April 15, 1983]

Threatened Warren Andrews [1983]

Picked up fights with several men [1983]

Falsely accused Lujack of beating up Tony Reardon [January 1984]

Murdered Andy Ferris [February 14, 1985]

Kidnapped India Von Halkein [May 1985]

Brief Character History

Uncomplicated Floyd Parker came to Springfield in 1979 and parked himself right outside his sister, Katie's door. Having no direction, he sponged off Katie until he finally found himself a custodial job at Cedars. A good guy, Floyd became friends with many of the young people in Springfield. Awkward at revealing his feelings, he teased Hillary Bauer, hiding his own feelings for her. He then began a sweet relationship with Lainie Marler, who was left paralyzed after being struck by a van. Lainie let Floyd take her out on dates because he was a really funny guy and also because he was very willing to be patient with a paralyzed Lainie as she went through physical therapy. However, in the first half of 1980, Lainie began to realize that the relationship between her and Floyd probably wouldn't progress past the dating stage. Lainie felt that she needed who would be there for her day and night, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. One day, Floyd took Lainie to the Bowden art gallery where she met the owner: the rich and handsome, Carter Bowden. Carter taught Lainie how to draw and paint and was very patient with her as she started to finally use her legs. It became apparent to Floyd that Lainie was developing feelings for Carter and he bowed out gracefully.

A little later that year, Floyd fell in love with the quirky Nola Reardon. Mesmerized by Nola, Floyd proposed marriage but was rejected. Not willing to give up, he continued to chase after Nola who obviously didn't feel the same the way. Nonetheless, she did sleep with Floyd twice. Unfortunately, Floyd was quick to learn that he was merely a pawn in Nola's game to get Kelly to marry her. Meanwhile, Floyd decided to start his own rock band, Sour Grapes. At this time, Floyd starting dating his sister's roommate, Hillary Bauer. Having already known each other, the relationship was a comfortable one. Hillary knew Floyd wanted to be a rock star and encouraged his interest, which endeared Hillary to Floyd even more. Soon, Hillary started to believe that perhaps Floyd might be her next lover. Unfortunately, for some reason, Katie was very uncomfortable with the idea of a close friend of hers dating her brother. Hillary also started getting the third degree from Katie about her dates with Floyd. As if this wasn't enough aggravation for Hillary, Hillary found out that Nola Reardon was yet again up to her old games. At this point, Nola was telling everyone that she was pregnant with Kelly Nelson's baby. Thanks to Nola's mother, Bea, it was discovered that Kelly was in no condition to conceive a child on the night in question. Realizing that Nola was pregnant with his child, Floyd stepped up and asked Nola to marry him for the sake of their child. Although she agreed, at the altar, Nola decided that she couldn't go through with it. Meanwhile, things would peter out in Hillary and Floyd's relationship, when Floyd became more interested in launching his rock star career, and traveled to Oklahoma to secure financial backing. In September, Josh Lewis blew into town and started funding Floyd's career. Nola, also was still leaning on Floyd while at the same time working for the very rich archaeologist, Quinton R. McCord. At this time, Floyd would soon begin a relationship with Nurse Lesley Ann Monroe who also worked for Quint McCord.

While Floyd and Nola argued about their unborn child, the arguments were overheard by Lesley Ann, who immediately pegged Nola as a gold digger after McCord's, money. Nola, trying to get rid of Floyd, tried to get her friend, Gracie to date him. Gracie did for a while but Floyd would soon grow tired of the flaky Gracie and dump her. Meanwhile, Floyd found himself attracted to the very beautiful, Lesley Ann. Lesley Ann, although attracted to Floyd, was afraid of starting a relationship with him because of her secret past. Finally, in early 1982, Lesley Ann agreed to date Floyd. However, their relationship was slow to develop due to Lesley Ann's hesitation. The reason for Lesley Ann's hesitation was Floyd's benefactor, Josh Lewis. Josh was putting up a lot of money so that Floyd could pursue his rock star dreams. Joshua even helped Floyd by getting him to sit in sessions (when not with his own group Sour Grapes) with some of the visiting rock and pop stars at "Wired for Sound." Meanwhile, Joshua met Lesley Ann whom Josh knew from Tulsa. However he knew her as a stripper and then hooker named, Candy Stripper. While working as Josh's father's private nurse, Lesley Ann (aka Candy) was hired by Andy Norris, in Tulsa, to steal money from Joshua after the two had become lovers. An embittered and vengeful Josh warned Lesley Ann to keep Floyd happy and productive or he would reveal her past. For the time being Lesley Ann went along with Joshua's demands, because she was attracted to Floyd and Lesley Ann and Floyd became lovers.

Finally, in the fall of 1982, hating the pressure she was under from Josh, Lesley Ann old Floyd about her past and Floyd angrily turned on Joshua and decked him! Joshua promptly ended their business arrangement and Floyd's career took a sudden nose dive and he became poor yet again and ended up living with Lesley Ann in the rundown neighborhood near the Reardon Boarding house in a very cramped apartment. Not able to handle Floyd's sudden change of fortune, Lesley Ann secretly went on dates with her boss, Warren Andrews. In the Spring of 1983, she moved out, and a bitter Floyd responded by telling Warren about Lesley Ann's past. Warren dumped Lesley Ann. Distraught Lesley Ann decided to commit suicide by swallowing a bottleful of pills. Luckily, Floyd and Katie were worried about her and when they discovered Lesley Ann in a comatose state from taking the sleeping pills, they rushed to her aid. Lesley Ann was taken to Cedars emergency room, and her stomach was pumped. A short while later, Warren, realized how much he loved Lesley Ann and asked her to marry him.

Meanwhile, Floyd's fortune changed again when he won the Lottery. Though the money was initially stolen by street-guy Lujack Luvonaczek, Lujack later returned the money and he and Floyd became friends. The following year, Floyd was shaken when Hillary (whom he never really seemed to get over) was killed in an explosion. Finally in 1985, Lujack found himself convicted of the murder of Andy Ferris, the man who planted an explosion that almost killed Lujack's girlfriend, Beth Raines. Not long after, Floyd disappeared as did the person that everyone's prime suspect in Ferris's murder: India von Halkein. Trying to locate India, Lujack and Beth found Floyd as well and learned a troubling secret: he>/i> killed Andy Ferris! Finally discovered, Floyd confessed that he was in love with Beth and murdered Andy because he hurt her. A broken man and tearful man, Floyd was sent off to prison.

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