A One Life to Live spokesperson has confirmed that Tuc Watkins (David Vickers) has reported back to work. When last seen on-screen in late August, Watkins' alter ego was locked up in a Moroccan jail.
"The best part of playing David Vickers in any storyline, is nothing is taken very seriously," Watkins said of his OLTL persona.
In real life, Watkins' break from One Life to Life wasn't really time off. The actor returned to work on his other job, ABC's primetime soap, Desperate Housewives. Watkins has appeared as a recurring player on the fictional Wisteria Lane since 2007. This season, however, Watkins has been given a more prominent role on the show. Desperate Housewives is currently on hiatus, which facilitated Watkins' return to daytime.
Watkins made his debut on One Life to Live in 1994. Since that time, he's made numerous appearances on the show, each of varying lengths. In April 2010, OLTL proudly announced Watkins' return to the show and it was hinted that he'd be seen more often than his recent in-and-out cameos.
A first airdate for Watkins has not yet been announced, though it is expected before the end of the year.