Ewa da Cruz joined the cast of As The World Turns in June 2006 as Vienna Hyatt, a wealthy Norwegian heiress.
Born in Norway, Ewa began modeling at the age of 8 after being discovered in a Norwegian department store. Ewa later went on to model for print ads, editorials, and runways. Her modeling career led her to commercial work in Norway, as well as short films. Though modeling gave her a solid career, she gave it up to pursue acting and came to New York in 2002. There she attended The American Academy Of Dramatic Arts. Ewa began her film career in 2005 with a part in the independent Norway film, Dice. In 2006 she landed a role in Sex and Sushi and Kettle of Fish. Her follow up film, Charlie is being released in 2007.
June 16, 2006 to July 19, 2006 [recurring]; October 26, 2006 to July 19, 2010 [recurring]
Kettle of Fish
DATE OF BIRTH: July 9, 1977