Although widely known for his role as the "high school jock" Slater on the popular NBC comedy series Saved By The Bell, Lopez has developed into one of the fastest rising stars on television and film. He co-produced and starred in the independent film The Courier where he portrays a college student who takes a courier job to help with tuition and finds himself unwittingly involved in a drug smuggling ring. The film also stars Nancy O'Dell from Access Hollywood.
Born in San Diego, Lopez's first professional role was the younger brother on the series a.k.a Pablo. Throughout the years, Lopez has become known to television audiences through his series regular roles on NBC's Saved By The Bell and USA Network's Pacific Blue, where he portrayed police officer Bobby Cruz. Lopez also served as host of the syndicated series Name Your Adventure and portrayed Olympic diving champion Greg Louganis in the telefilm Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story.
His film credits include Colors, Depraved and a starring role in the 1999 independent film Eastside. Lopez can be seen opposite Jon Seda in the upcoming independent film, Rikki The Pig -- an adaptation of William Shakespeare's classic tragedy Richard III set in the streets of East Los Angeles.
Lopez currently lives in Los Angeles.
The Bold and the Beautiful
Christian Ramirez
March 20, 2006 to July 18, 2006 [contract]; September 7, 2006 to Present [recurring]
Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story
Greg Louganis
Name Your Adventure
Saved by the Bell
Albert Clifford 'A.C.' Slater
The Golden Girls
Mario Sanchez
Kids Incorporated
DATE OF BIRTH: October 10, 1973
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Diego, California
HEIGHT: 5' 11"
MARITAL STATUS: Ali Landry [Apr 24 to May 12, 2004; annulled]