* Who's Who in Genoa City: J.T. Hellstrom | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Jeffrey Todd Hellstrom
Actor History
August 27, 1999 to October 2002 [recurring]; November 2002, to November 5, 2010 [contract]; December 12, 2017 to April 16, 2018 [contract]; March 19, 2019 to March 28, 2019

Supposedly died Apr 13, 2018, after being struck in the head with a poker wielded by Nikki Newman defending her daughter Victoria.

At his memorial service, he was said to be in his 40s


Former undercover investigator for United States Department of Justice

Former chief of security for Newman Enterprises

Worked briefly at Chancellor Industries

Freelance investigator

Formerly worked for U.S. Treasury Department in Warsaw, Poland

Formerly worked for a non-profit in Washington D.C.

Former civilian consultant to the Genoa City police department

Former executive with Tucker McCall Unlimited

Former partner in Williams and Hellstrom Investigations

Former chief of security for Newman Enterprises

Former apprentice detective working with Paul Williams

Attended Genoa City University off and on

Formerly worked part time at the Glo by Jabot Boutique

Graduate of Walnut Grove Academy

Former "Glo by Jabot Kid"


Prison infirmary

Marital Status

Married to Mackenzie Browning [Married: Nov. 5, 2010; divorcing]

Past Marriages

Victoria Newman [Married: Feb. 8, 2008; divorced May 13, 2010; engaged/broken 2018]


Martha Hellstrom (mother)

Tom Hellstrom (father)

Unidentified younger sister

Frieda unknown last name (aunt)

Grant unknown last name (cousin)


Miscarriage with Mackenzie March 1, 2006

Reed Hellstrom (son with Victoria, born Nov 29, 2007)

Dylan "D.J." Hellstrom (son with Mackenzie, born Jun 20, 2011)

Becca Hellstrom (daughter with Mackenzie, born in 2017)

Flings & Affairs

History of many girlfriends

Brittany Hodges

Rianna Miner

Colleen Carlton (deceased)

Anita Hodges

Mackenzie Browning

Victoria Newman [2018, lived together]

Health and Vitals

Blood type O+

Electrocuted after a car accident by electrical wires falling on the car; left him with burns and heart damage

Surgery to remove brain tumor which had apparently changed his personality [2019]

Crimes Committed

Random bad boy traits like hosting wild parties with alcohol and drugs for underage friends

Left a passed-out-drunk Billy Abbott out in the snow to die; never charged

Arrested for contributing to delinquency of a minor for being with underage Colleen; charges were dropped

Arrested for assault of Kevin Fisher

Witnessed the murder of two men by Brad Carlton; told no one

Withheld knowledge of Nikki Newman embezzling money from Victor's personal bank account

Theft from Victor's safe and house.

Abandoned Victor after an altercation when Victor fell down the stairs.

Attempted murder of Victor by shutting off his life support. [2018]

Held Victoria, Sharon and Nikki hostage at Abbott cabin. [2019]

Brief Character History

Raul Guittierez, Billy Abbott, Mackenzie Browning, J.T. Hellstrom, Rianna Miner and Brittany Hodges were friends as they attended Walnut Grove Academy. When we first met J.T. he was dating Brittany. We don't know much about J.T.'s parents, but they must be either unconcerned with his life or very liberal. J.T. had quite a reputation as a ladies man and major partier. He did just enough in school to get by, and majored in girls and basketball. He drives a 1969 GTO.

Snobby rich girl Brittany saw her chance, dumped J.T. and snagged the Jabot heir Billy Abbott as her boyfriend. J.T. then took up with Rianna and treated her pretty shabbily. Billy bragged of his experience with drinking, partying and girls while living in New York City. One evening J.T. invited everyone to a party at a house he was house-sitting. Raul showed up in time to save best friend Billy's life when he suffered alcohol poisoning and collapsed in the snow, as Brittany nor J.T. were willing to call 911 and get themselves in trouble.

Billy, Brittany, Raul and Rianna were chosen as the Glo by Jabot Kids as a summer promotion for the new Jabot teen line. Mac assisted Phyllis Summers running the website featuring the kids and J.T. heckled from the sidelines. Rianna and J.T. broke up, and everyone got to witness Raul and Rianna get together, share their first kiss at the Abbott's poolside, and fall in love live on the website. Their relationship seemed it would last forever. Brittany discovered that her boyfriend Billy was involved with Mac, so arranged for Mac to walk in on her and Billy "making love." Billy was drugged and Britt was faking it, but Mac believed what she saw and it broke her heart. Billy tried to defend himself, but couldn't remember what happened. Britt's on-again, off-again ally, J.T., spilled it that it was setup for Mac to see, tapes of the actual scene were found and exposed, but no one realized that Billy was drugged. Brittany was hurt, but eventually took Billy back. During this time, Mac confided in J.T. and he found himself falling for her. Then Mac and Billy began being drawn to each other again, but it wasn't until Jack arranged for Billy and Mac to be trapped in an elevator at Jabot that they realized that they truly belonged together. Although Billy did his best to be a jerk to turn Mac away "for her own good", they eventually reconciled and became a couple again. Raul seemed to be coping with his diabetes, then began acting strange and angry, got careless with his medication and lapsed into another diabetic coma with Rianna at Crimson Lights. This time after he recovered, Raul tried to break things off with Rianna "for her own good." Rianna convinced him to stay a couple until Raul discovered that when she dated J.T. it had included sex. Raul couldn't handle it, and suddenly demanded sex with her himself. Rianna was outraged and broke off their relationship.

Senior year began, and a holiday series of the Glo by Jabot website added J.T. and Mac to the Glow Kids and Colleen Carlton to Mac's place as assistant to the webmaster. The scene changed to Jabot where a boutique opened which was run by the kids. It wasn't long before Rianna resumed her relationship with J.T., convinced that he had become a better person. Since then, Rianna watched Raul change. He didn't seem to care about anything as he once did. His grades plummeted as he tried to play irresponsible, then started hanging out with Brittany who by then had broken up with Billy. All the Glo kids were turning 18 and sending out college applications. But Raul put off his college essay until the last minute then submitted something way below par. Rianna gave herself to J.T. again, sure that this time he really cared. But he didn't, and was just using her again. Once Rianna figured this out, she arranged to graduate early and tale an internship in Europe. By the time she left, she and Raul had become friends again.

Brittany won the lead in the school play "Much Ado About Nothing", with Raul's encouragement. While practicing lines backstage together, their hints of romance finally came true with a passionate kiss. When J.T., who was the male lead, didn't show up opening night, Raul stepped in and the play was a big success. When her parents didn't show up for the play, we began to see a vulnerable side to Britt. All the shenanigans the self-confident, gorgeous blonde pulled have been covering up a girl who felt unloved and unworthy of someone who would want her for more than her body. Through all this, J.T. was both Britt's confidant and heckler. He thought he knew her, but he really didn't.

Just as Raul and Brittany had begun to get close, Brittany succumbed to the fear of being loved and not in control and suddenly dumped him. She began dating J.T. again and flaunted him in front of Raul trying to hurt him. Rianna returned to Genoa City just in time to be Raul's date for the prom, and helped Raul finally get Britt to admit that she cared.

Raul was accepted to Pembroke College in Boston and won a scholarship. Brittany was bound for another college in New York. But they ended up staying in Genoa City after Raul was paralyzed in a car crash. Billy decided he needed to do more with his life than go to college, so left for Louisiana to help Mac's father, Brock, build houses for the poor. Mac later left Genoa City that fall to attend college. Due to J.T.'s poor grades, he ended up going to Genoa City University. Too much partying all summer left J.T. lacking the books he was supposed to have read prior to starting GCU. To the rescue was 14 year old Colleen who had a crush on J.T. She had read all the books and tutored him in what he'd need to know. J.T. enjoyed her company, but had no intention to deflower the young teen. But due to J.T. now being a college man, and his reputation with the girls, John forbade Colleen to see him. Colleen ran away, but she was found meeting J.T. in the park after Tracy returned to Genoa City and called the police. J.T. was arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and Colleen chose to go to Juvenile Hall rather than go home to New York City with her mother. Eventually Brad intervened and convinced Traci to allow Colleen to stay with him and Ashley. Colleen and J.T. fell in love as they continued to see each other on the sly, and J.T. composed and sang songs for her. Brad was finally convinced that J.T. had changed and allowed Colleen to see him so long as her grades don't suffer.

J.T.'s friend Brittany feared she was pregnant and disappeared. Being such a close friend, her parents, Fredrick and Anita Hodges, came to J.T. for help. J.T. was with having breakfast discussing Brittany at The Lodge, where Anita had taken a room after Fred didn't come home the night before. They caught Fred coming down the stairs after spending the night there with Jill Abbott. J.T. helped the distraught Anita upstairs to her room, where she seduced him. J.T. was wracked with guilt over what they did, and confided in his boss and confidant, Lauren Fenmore. Colleen found out and it broke her heart. But they have since reconciled.

Colleen made friends with Lily Winters after finding they had a lot in common, both being transplanted to Genoa City against their will. Local girl Sierra completes this trio of close friends. 15-year-old Lily became involved with a guy in his twenties named Kevin Fisher whom she met on Internet. Colleen, J.T. and Sierra were convinced that Kevin was bad news, going so far as to interrupt what was to be their first sexual encounter at Kevin's apartment. Kevin took revenge by trashing the loft where J.T., Raul and Brittany live. Kevin then went to go meet Colleen in the park where he knew she waiting for J.T. Kevin scared her with threats and pushed her down on the bench, but J.T. showed up just in time and ran Kevin off. Kevin talked Lily into sex to "prove their love, and another night Lily sneaked out and Kevin gave her some sexy lingerie, which Lily uncomfortably refused to wear. Kevin got mad and told her he wasn't sure this was going to work, but Lily assured him that she wanted to be with him. The next day, Lily skipped school to go to Kevin's all day. For Colleen and Sierra, that was the final straw, and they told her parents. When Neil showed up at Kevin's, and Lily disappeared down the fire escape. Neil threatened Kevin with arrest since Lily was underage, and told him to never see Lily again. In his ranting at Kevin, he mentioned that Lily's friends told them about Kevin.

As Kevin sat at the bar at Gina's, angrily writing the words "bitch" on a napkin, he overheard that Gina was closing up early. Kevin hid until the place was locked up. then left a message with Cody at Crimson Lights that Colleen's grandfather John wanted to meet her at Gina's before the they all went to the annual Arts Council Gala. When Colleen showed up at Gina's, Kevin lured her into the walk-in refrigerator, and locked the door. He poured a drum of floor cleaner plus alcohol all over the restaurant and started it on fire. Extremely pleased with himself, he went to Marsino's and pretended he had been working there all night when Bobby and Brittany showed up after the Gala. Kevin leered at Britt as she looked for her sheet music in Bobby's desk, then came onto her. After Britt rebuffed him and walked out, he threatened her and her singing career "going up in smoke." Later, he went by the scene of the crime and found Lily there, who begged him to leave because J.T. and Brad suspected Kevin was involved in Colleen's disappearance and started the fire. When Brad and J.T. saw Kevin they demanded to know where Colleen was, but Kevin said that he was only passing by. Police Detective Weber had no reason to hold him, so he let him go. Further investigation found no evidence, even Kevin's computer was wiped clean. Kevin continues to lure young girls on the Internet, while Lily had to confess all to her parents, though luckily not pregnant or HIV-positive, she was diagnosed with Chlamydia. After Kevin cornered Colleen in the ruins of Gina's, and scared her once again, J.T. went to his apartment and beat Kevin up. J.T. was arrested for assault, and Kevin now had two fathers gunning for him in Brad and Neil. Kevin showed up at long-lost half-brother Michael Baldwin's office expecting help. Poor Michael. As if he doesn't have enough to worry about with his involvement in the Newman Enterprises bribery scandal.

It was Christmas 2003, and Colleen and her friend Sierra visited the same pawn shop where they had gotten their tattoos and piercings to buy J.T. a hard case for his beloved guitar. It was expensive, but Colleen loved J.T. so much she whipped out her credit card and charged it, deciding to worry about it later. J.T. wanted to get Colleen an expensive sapphire birthstone pendant but was short of cash. His love for Colleen was so great that he pawned that guitar at the same pawn shop to buy it. When Sierra found out about it, she talked the owner "Worm" into showing up at J.T.'s as Santa following their gift exchange to return the guitar. Just one of the many endearing events in the great love story of J.T. and Colleen!

Colleen arranged for J.T. to sing at Crimson Lights one night when record promoter, Shiloh, was in the audience. Shiloh was so impressed, she offered J.T. a recording contract. J.T. was reluctant, but Colleen pushed him to be a big star and make her proud. J.T. went to LA with Shiloh to record and make a music video, leaving Colleen behind. But Colleen showed up to surprise him, and overheard J.T. saying at a press conference that he was single and available. Heartbroken, Colleen returned to Genoa City. J.T. was a no-show at his record release party when he followed her back to Genoa City. Even though J.T. explained it, Colleen was influenced by Daniel Romalotti's tales of life on the road with his rock star father, and decided to let J.T. go so he could have a career. Colleen packed up her things and returned to New York City to live with her mother again. As luck would have it, J.T. lost his chance by walking out on his contract obligations, and went back to work for Paul Williams training to be a detective. J.T.'s new roommate 20-year-old Mac began to get close with Daniel Romalotti who had a similar parent-less background. But J.T. was only too glad to spill Daniel's secret that he was only 16 to Mac, and Mac called it quits. Mac began dating J.T., and Raul moved out of the loft to attend Pemberton University in Boston. Mac convinced J.T. that he really loved Brittany, but he wasn't able to tell her before Brittany married Bobby Marcino, so he reverted to his playboy past. Colleen surprised J.T. by returning to Genoa City for Christmas 2004, but they decided to go their separate ways. She graduated from High School early in New York City, accompanied her parents on a book tour of Europe that summer, and began attending NYU the fall of 2005.

J.T. assisted Paul Williams with his detective work on various cases while attending Genoa City University. Meanwhile, Mac and J.T. got closer, and she finally lost her virginity to him. But in an intricate plot to keep the mob away from Brittany and her unborn baby, they set it up to look like J.T. was the father, and Bobby and Brittany staged a split. Mac wasn't included in the plot for her safety, and this "revelation" broke her heart. Nikki started nosing around and uncovered the plot, ending up getting kidnapped by Vinny's goon Luca. Paul, Victor, and Bobby rescued Nikki while J.T. took a distraught Britt to the Newman Ranch. Luckily Mac showed up as Brittany went into labor, and Mac delivered the 2 month's premature baby, Joshua. Vinny, Angelo, and his goon ended up in jail, Brittany and the baby in the hospital, and Bobby turned over his evidence on the mob and went into the witness protection program, leaving Brittany and Joshua behind. J.T. confessed to Mac this was all a hoax, that he really loved her, but Mac was reluctant to trust him again. Katherine Chancellor convinced J.T., Brittany and her baby to come live at the Chancellor Estate with Mac, as it would be the most secure for all of them. Months went by, and finally Brittany shared a short visit with the heavily-guarded Bobby. Not long afterward, she received word that Bobby had been killed by a hit & run driver. Brittany was devastated, and she and Joshua ending up moving to New York City with her parents. Mac and J.T. have since moved into the loft apartment with roommates Kevin and Scott Grainger.

Due to her grandfather John Abbott's ill health and her stepmother Ashley being charged with the murder of Tom Fisher, Colleen retuned to Genoa City with a bad attitude. Everywhere she goes she runs into Kevin Fisher, who once tried to kill her. To top it off, all her former friends were convinced Kevin that had changed and were friends with him! She won J.T. back from Mac after J.T. had a one-night stand with Victoria Newman - her father's fiancé. Brad forgave Victoria but Colleen gave a lovely speech at the wedding shower suggesting Victoria be checked for VD before the marriage! On Brad and Victoria's wedding day Sharon let Brad know she was about to be available for him, but was rebuffed and Brad married Victoria, much to her father Victor's dismay. Weeks later, Brad and Sharon had a one-night-stand but were not found out. Brad rebuffed Sharon's advances since but were still confidants. Colleen moved into the loft with J.T.

Victor hired Paul Williams Investigations to check on new son-in-law Brad's past, but after Victor sustained his head injury which changed his perspective on things, he asked Paul to drop the case. But after they discovered in Cleveland from a high school annual photo, that this person was not the real Brad Carlton, J.T. became concerned for Brad's daughter Colleen, and stayed on the case. Colleen found out about it, and encouraged the investigation. With the help of Paul's Cleveland PI contact Kara, clues uncovered showed that the Kaplan family, including their 15 year old daughter Stephanie were murdered, and 18 year old son George was sought for questioning. Three months later George's body was found presumed the victim of a hit and run, the police thought they had the murderer, and at the same time Brad Carlton joined the Navy Seals.

Victoria confronted Sharon about kissing Brad, then fired her from Newman. Sharon went running to Brad who sent her on a mysterious errand to deliver a red tote bag to a car downtown for him. Brad's daughter Colleen confronted him with what she knew about his mysterious past, and accused him of kidnapping J.T.. Brad explained his past to Colleen, then hustled her and Abby off to the private jet where they met his mother Rebecca, and were jetted to safety in Hawaii. Meanwhile Sharon arrived at Brad's to find the door ajar, and being mistaken for Brad's wife, was kidnapped and held captive with J.T. in Cleveland. Brad received a call from the kidnapper telling him they had Sharon. Victoria and Brad went back to Newman, and brought Nick and Paul in on the case. Nikki volunteered to take Noah away on a mini-vacation to see her sister Casey to keep him safe and oblivious to the fact that his mother was missing. Brad had to explain to all his past as George Kaplan and that the kidnappers wanted an artifact called the Grugeon Reliquary. Then J.T. was dumped on Brad's doorstep as a warning. After they wasted days trying to track down the Reliquary on the Internet and through art dealers, Victoria decided to create a fake using two other similar Grugeon pieces. They took the fake to Cleveland and Nick met the kidnapper and his henchman for the exchange at a church. Meanwhile, misled by the kidnappers, Brad, Paul and J.T. were converging on the shipping crate where Sharon had been held which was booby-trapped with explosives. They disarmed it in time, then arrived just in time to rescue Nick & Sharon as explosives attached to Sharon were about to detonate. Brad ended up fighting with the bad guys, and killed them both after the head guy admitted he was the Oscar Volkmann, son of the Commandant who was executed after Brad's mother's testimony. All arrived safely back in Genoa City and vowed to never tell what went on for everyone's safety.

J.T. and the virginal Colleen finally made love as she attempted to forget her grandfather John's recent death. Months later, Colleen found herself being drawn to her college Art History Professor Adrian Korbel and became his Research Assistant. Finding themselves trapped together at the college during an ice storm, Adrian and Colleen made love in his office. Colleen was wracked with guilt, and tried to break up with J.T., but since she didn't tell him about Adrian, he didn't let her. Colleen then quit as Adrian's research assistant, and they admitted they involvement was wrong as student and teacher. But in the end she broke up with J.T. to be with Adrian.

Katherine and Jill hired J.T. to try to track down the real Phillip Chancellor III. Kevin hired him to track down the missing fugitive Jana Hawkes, and Victoria hired him at various times to investigate Brad Carlton.

Victoria and Brad were expecting a baby, but Brad still could not stop finding ways to be with Sharon (who was engaged/now married to Jack) and let her know how much he still loved her. Victoria got suspicious and hired J.T. to find out what was going on, and he discovered the short affair with Sharon. Finding this out caused Victoria to miscarry, and she filed for divorce. Brad went to Sharon telling her that he was about to be free, but she shut him down and said she was happy with Jack. Meanwhile Victoria and J.T. began an affair and she moved in with him after she found out she was again pregnant. Thanks to one night with Brad after the miscarriage, Victoria did not know who the father of her baby was.

One day everyone in Genoa City seemed to be at Clear Springs when its underground parking structure and casino collapsed, trapping several of them inside. Sharon, Jack, and Nick were there to scout for a photo shoot. Nick was knocked out, and Jack pinned by debris, but Nick awoke and got Jack free. Sharon's leg was sprained, but they managed to find an opening in the rubble. Jack levered it open so that Nick and Sharon could escape, leaving him there still trapped. While waiting for rescue, Jack wrote a note to Sharon confessing how much he loved her. Meanwhile Amber crawled out of her crushed car and made her way to an elevator, finding Kay bruised and dirty inside, having been left there while her grandson Cane and J.T. crawled up the shaft for help. Also trapped were Adrian Korbel with a very pregnant Victoria, and Lauren and Noah trapped with Paul. Nikki and others stood vigil on the outside, waiting while rescuers cleared rubble and tried to get to the victims. Phyllis, still in prison, heard about it on TV, got no answer on Nick's cell phone, and got the news when she called Victor. Sharon and Nick walked out of the rubble, asking rescuers to go back for Jack. The rescuers said it was too dangerous, that methane was escaping and about to blow up, so our hero Victor, went in and rescued his worst enemy. Cane and J.T. made it out, but Cane fooled them into believing he'd had rescue training in Australia, and went back to rescue Kay and Amber. Sharon and Nick were relieved when Noah came out on a stretcher. Noah later had his spleen removed as a result of his injuries. Then the dead body of the construction foreman was removed. The reason Cane and Kay were there was to investigate him for shoddy work and kickbacks. Finally, Korbel and Victoria emerged, just as the methane blast occurred. Victoria was hit on the head with a rock, knocked out, and rolled down the pile of debris.

Still pregnant, Victoria spent months in a coma while her family and fiancé J.T. held vigil at her bedside. They finally had to decide if the baby should be delivered prematurely to save Victoria. J.T. and Victor chose to deliver, but Nikki insisted that Victoria would rather her baby live, so it was taken to court. They ended up waiting a couple more weeks until the baby had a better chance, then baby boy Reed was delivered. A DNA test was run and J.T. was pronounced the father. Reed thrived in the hospital while still comatose Victoria was taken back to the ranch. Nikki and Victor were separated, so Victor lived in the ranch house while Nikki took residence in Sharon's cottage with David Chow forever there in Victor's face. Not long after J.T. brought Reed home, Victoria woke up. Victoria and J.T. were married, and they moved back to the loft apartment with Reed. Victor made his new son-in-law J.T. head of Newman Security, and Victoria went back at work. They decided to move to the ranch, and are now living in the former house of Sharon and Nick.

When Victor was declared dead when the fishing boat he was on was caught in a storm in Mexico, the will was read leaving his youngest son Adam in charge of Newman. Adam fired Neil and hired Brad as CEO of Newman, naming himself as Chairman of the Board. Days later Victor was discovered to be alive and Adam was fired. J.T. had the pleasure of ushering Adam out of Newman Towers. To avoid paying Brad's hefty severance package, Neil and J.T. talked Brad into voluntarily resigning, or his taking company secrets from Newman to Jabot would be exposed. Then J.T. got to escort him out as well. Since Brad quit Jabot to go to Newman, he was without a job.

Victor was hiding out in France at the chateau he bought for Sabrina, but in his raging anger and depression, burned it to the ground with tears in his eyes. Meanwhile, Nikki, Nick, Victoria, and J.T. were trying to lead the authorities on a wild goose chase by appearing to meet Victor in Rio. During Nikki's interrogation by Heather and the authorities, Victor made a call to Michael who was acting as her lawyer. He ended up speaking to Heather, telling her he was innocent in the death of Walter Palin, and to leave his family and him alone. He fired Michael as his lawyer, and told everyone this was the last they would ever hear from him. So Nikki called Ashley as the one person Victor may listen to. Meanwhile Nick received a call from a Priest in Paris concerned about Victor who was hiding out at a monastery there. Ashley left her job in London for Paris, but by then Victor had disappeared again. After finding a prayer card for Saint Raymond in his room, Ashley ended up in front of the Saint's statue, and Victor walked up behind her. They had a tearful reunion that ended up between the sheets. Ashley and Victor returned to Genoa City in time for Katherine Chancellor's funeral (who was not really dead, it was her doppelganger, Marge). They sat in the front row and shunned everyone, then afterward quickly left in a waiting limo. Once Heather found out, Victor was arrested for the murder of Walter Palin and confronted with the diary he supposedly wrote about the murder. Victor finally allowed Nikki to visit him in jail, only to accuse her of setting him up by being involved in the bogus diary of how he killed Walter. Nikki finally had enough and told Victor to go to hell.

In late January of 2009, Sharon went up to the Abbott lake house to be alone and think about what to do with her life after divorce papers were served on Jack. Brad showed up and declared his love, but Sharon sent him away. On the drive home, Brad had car trouble, got out, and heard the screams of Noah Newman who had gone skating with Eden and fallen through the ice. Brad died a hero after he pulled Noah from the hole in the ice, when he fell through himself and drowned. Meanwhile back in Genoa City, Abby and Colleen, concerned that Brad never showed for his dinner date with them, got J.T. and Billy to help search for him. Colleen and J.T. found Brad's car about the same time Noah remembered and told Victoria that it was Brad who rescued him. J.T. and Colleen heard a boy playing on the ice scream as he discovered Brad's body showing through the ice. J.T. checked out the situation and had to deliver the bad news to Colleen. Colleen and Abby were both devastated by the news, and Victoria and Ashley commiserated over the loss of their former husbands.

"Thomas Balfour' approached Victoria to buy a painting for the Newman collection, but she recognized it as stolen art. Victoria called Jana over to verify, and Jana was shocked to discover it was Daniel's forgery, and "Balfour" was the fake FBI man. Victoria made a deal to meet him with the cash and he left, then she notified the real Agent Aucker. Much to J.T.'s dismay, Aucker put a wire on Victoria and supplied the cash for the exchange, but Daniel showed up before her, and "Balfour" pulled a gun on him. Someone in a ski mask attacked "Balfour" from behind and left him shot. When Daniel asked who shot him, the guy said that it was Daniel and died, so Daniel fled. When Victoria arrived, the masked person knocked crates down on top of her and took off with the briefcase of money. Daniel was the chief suspect because his prints were on the gun after he threw it out of the victim's grasp, and both the forged painting and the $100,000 were gone. The masked person was last seen planting the briefcase in the office of the coffee house.

As a favor to Victor to get Colleen off the Newman Board, Gloria and Jeff arranged for Aiden, the Athletic Club bartender and an aspiring actor, to get her drunk at Jimmy's Bar, where Jeff took video of her dancing on a table baring her breasts. Gloria got Kevin to unknowingly put "a video" out on the Internet, and gave her an untraceable email address to make sure everyone saw it. Victoria did, and under Victor's orders she called Colleen to Newman to demand her resignation. Meanwhile Victor gave Ashley the news that she would be getting the board position. Colleen brought Billy along and refused to sign, accusing Victor of arranging the setup. Victoria told her they would have her removed, and Colleen said she would sue. Victor and Victoria were also furious with J.T. because the video showed him pulling Colleen down off the table. Victor asked J.T. for an explanation, and he said he felt that it was important to help a friend keep from humiliating herself, to which Victor asked for his resignation. J.T. and Victoria's relationship eroded further when J.T. suggested that Victor had set up Colleen. Paul talked J.T. into joining him in a new detective partnership, and he became involved in the Mary Jane Benson investigation. J.T. discovered through Mac that she had been hiding out at her bar, stolen from her and disappeared, leaving a note that claimed Victor knew all about Mary Jane, which also infuriated Victoria. Meanwhile the woman took confession with Paul's brother Father Todd, who told Paul he recognized her from it as their sister Patty.

J.T. gave Colleen a ride home where reminiscing about their former relationship led to necking on the couch. Meanwhile Victoria and Deacon closed an art deal with champagne in his suite, and were getting cozy when Amber interrupted. Both J.T. and Victoria left before it went any further, J.T. telling Colleen that he wouldn't jeopardize his marriage and child. But within days, after an argument with J.T. where he claimed that Victor was behind Mary Jane's reign of terror, Victoria went to Deacon's room at the Athletic Club and they had sex. Victoria eventually admitted her fling to J.T. who was terribly disillusioned.

Colleen lost a job prospect teaching at GCU when they saw the video online, so after confronting Victor about his part in it, she went out to the Abbott cabin to get over it. She arrived to find a woman unknown to her tied to a chair and let her loose. It was Patty Williams who had been held there by Gloria and Jeff, awaiting the arrival of Victor and Jack for the ransom they paid. Patty turned on Colleen and kidnapped her at gunpoint, taking her to Camp Cowabunga, and tying her to a tree. Patty turned on Colleen and kidnapped her at gunpoint, taking her to Camp Cheveyo, and tying her to a tree. After Patty used Colleen's phone to call Jack, and Colleen hollered "cow.." (because the camp slogan was "Cowabunga", and she and Jack had both gone there as kids) before she was disconnected. Jack, J.T., and Paul searched for her, convincing even Victoria that Victor had set this all in motion by bringing Patty back to Genoa City to get back at Jack. Meanwhile Patty was bitten by a spider and had a bad reaction, Colleen got loose, and held the gun on Patty, unsure what to do as Patty begged her for help. When Colleen tried to help her, Patty grabbed the gun away, but Colleen was able to convince her that she would get help and return, and left in a canoe. She fell out, and hit her head on the bottom of the boat when she surfaced, sending her sinking again. Colleen was clearly drowning in the same lake as her father, with an eerie sequence of visions she was visited by the people who loved her, begging her to fight and come back to them, even visiting her best friend Lily giving her final advice. She saw her dead father and grandfather, ready to take her to the beyond. Jack realized where Colleen was, raced to the camp, and pulled her out of the lake. But as he tried to administer CPR, Patty was there holding the gun on him. Victor arrived and tried to convince Patty to drop the gun and let Jack save Colleen. Patty shot Victor 3 times instead and ran into the woods with Paul following, and J.T. stayed to help Victor. Colleen's mother Traci and step-father Steve, Billy, and Abby were at the hospital when Colleen was brought in, with Nick and Victoria there for Victor. Meanwhile, Ashley was packing to leave Victor and writing him a goodbye note after finding out how he used Patty to get back at Jack, when Billy showed up to tell her that Patty had shot Victor 3 times and he was in critical condition. Paul caught up with Patty and talked her into turning herself in, promising he would not abandon her, and she was to be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Victor arrived by ambulance in critical condition and had surgery to remove a bullet from his heart. Ashley confronted Victor about all that he had caused and sent him into heart arrhythmia. Paul traced Nikki to a Colorado spa and brought her back to be with Victor. But his heart was too far gone, only a heart transplant would save him now. Tests confirmed Colleen was brain dead, and Traci finally made the heart-breaking decision to take her off life-support. All of Colleen's friends came to say goodbye including her best friend Lily. Kevin and Jana told Traci and Steve what a wonderful person she was, that she had turned their lives around by forgiving them for trying to kill her. A broken-hearted J.T. whispered, "Goodbye Sweetheart" into Colleen's ear and went off to be with his wife, but he returned the next day and spent some time alone with Colleen. Her uncles Jack and Billy and half sister Abby had a hard time comprehending it all. Then Traci and Steve were told that Colleen was an organ-donor, and Nikki had the nerve to intrude to request Colleen's heart to save Victor. Jack and Billy protested, then Jack reconsidered and agreed since Victor basically saved his life. Victor and Colleen turned out to be a match, and Traci decided in favor of the transplant despite Billy ranting how Victor was responsible for "Cee Cee's" death and certainly would not have approved. Billy arranged a celebration of Colleen's life instead of a funeral, with red balloons, and all wearing bright colors. In addition to the Abbotts, among those attending were Kevin & Jana, Phyllis and Noah representing the Newman's, J.T., Mac, Kay & Murphy, and Daniel who presented Traci with a portrait of Colleen that he drew. "Aunt" Mamie and Dina sent flowers, Adrian and Brad's mother both unable to attend, phoned Traci. Victoria arrived and read a letter from Victor full of thanks and gratefulness. Traci, Jack, Ashley, Abby, Neil, Kay, Kevin, and J.T. gave eulogies about what they remembered most about her. Neil broadcasted his eulogy to Lily who was restricted to home due to her low immunity level. At the end all released red balloons. Including Lily at home, to "An Angel's Lullaby" sang by Beth Maitland, who plays Traci. Colleen was buried next to her father Brad, her kidneys donated to a 16 year old girl and corneas to a father who had never seen his children.

J.T. and Victoria's marriage was further shaken by Victor's antics and Victoria's loyalty to him, causing J.T. to go to New York for a job interview. J.T. took the job and left her a goodbye note. But Victoria caught him at the airport and they left for New York together, telling Nick the company was his, her marriage and their child were more important. A few weeks later, they returned, J.T. with a new job at Tucker McCall's company which was moving its headquarters to Genoa City. J.T.'s loyalty to Tucker and Victoria's to Newman and her one night stand with Deacon continued to come between them, and Victoria left alone to Dubai on Newman business to give them some space. J.T. was thrilled when Victoria returned wanting to start again, but once she found that he was still loyal to Tucker while she was now the President of the Newman-newly-acquired Jabot, they realized they were irreparably split and decided to end their marriage. What began as an amicable divorce was complicated when J.T. insisted that Victoria was too wrapped up in business to be a good mother, and wanted custody of Reed.

More and more, J.T. was left alone at home caring for Reed while Mackenzie grew larger carrying Cane and Lily's twins by surrogate, and she would often come by to help and they grew close again. Meanwhile Victoria was enjoying an affair with Billy Abbott. Victor saw Victoria and Billy getting along too well at the annual charity masquerade ball and threatened Billy, so he left and returned in another mask, and they continued to spend the evening together. They eventually ducked upstairs to a room and were making love when a gas explosion rocked the Athletic club. They quickly dressed and made it outside separately. Victoria's half-brother Adam was found dead in the basement. Because a fancy European pen found at the crime scene was determined to be the murder weapon that stabbed Adam in the heart and was traced to Victoria, she was arrested for the murder of Adam. Meanwhile, J.T. was granted full custody of Reed when she did not show up for the custody hearing. At Victoria's arraignment, Billy interrupted proclaiming her innocence because she was in his hotel room at the time of the murder, but Victoria refused to admit it was true. Meanwhile Jill was reporting this latest Newman scandal on the Restless Style website, and was Twittering updates, for which Billy later fired her.

Victoria's appeal for custody of Reed was lost because Tucker reported to the court that Victor kept J.T. from arriving in time. To top it off her divorce decree arrived later, so to get away and forget their problems, Victoria and Billy took the next plane to Kingston, Jamaica, with no luggage or plans. They joined a Jamaican wedding party on the beach where rum and Billy's teasing and charm made him the life of the party. He made her laugh and smile again telling everyone about their love/hate relationship. Deliriously drunk, they got married too. Meanwhile, Mac, J.T., and Reed went for a drive in his GTO and ended up at a drive in movie watching The Three Stooges and eating nachos. They began to realize they had more in common now than ever, and the old spark was still there. As JT said, "The stuff you never see coming, is exactly what you want."

J.T. confessed to Mac that Tucker wanted a favor of J.T. for helping J.T. get custody of Reed. He needed information from Victoria's files on a deal that Victor made years ago with Mitsukoshi department stores which made Newman's Beauty of Nature line their sole cosmetics line. Tucker was hoping this information would seal the deal for him to get Beauty of Nature away from Newman to merge it with his company, Jabot. After Billy caught J.T. typing on Victoria's laptop, and having secretive meetings with Tucker, he rehired Jill and assigned her to investigate what was going on between Tucker and the Newmans.

Rafe invited his friends to a party at Jimmie's Bar to celebrate the opening of his private law practice. On his arm was his new boyfriend, Tyler. Billy and Victoria attended but kept their distance. Abby had been trying to coerce Billy into funding and publicizing her television reality show "The Naked Heiress", but because he refused she shouted congratulations to them on their marriage and played their Jamaican wedding video on her phone when no one believed her. J.T. and Mac were appalled to think they had run off together, gotten drunk, and ended up married. Victor was furious when he was informed and got Michael on it. Michael discovered a Jamaican law that invalidated the marriage because it occurred 8:00 p.m., and Billy and Victoria reluctantly parted, saying what a bad match they were anyway. But, unable to resist each other, they continued to meet up for fun and sex.

Mac went into early labor, the twins Charlie and Matilda (Matty), were born two months premature, and their amniotic fluid was saved for Lily's treatment. Lily and the twins stayed in the hospital all growing stronger, as she got her treatments. Meanwhile Mac shared with J.T. her guilty regrets and missing the babies.

Lily was released from the hospital and welcomed home by the family who had unpacked all the baby gifts, and had their house all ready for them when they could come home. Cane and Lily visited the babies often, as deportation loomed closer for Cane once she got well. But Sofia saved the day by convincing Tucker to approve Cane as liaison with their corporate partner where Cane grew up in Canberra, Australia. Because Cane was uniquely qualified he obtained an eight month work visa. Cane and Lily eventually brought the twins home, and Lily's health continued to improve. Lily asked Mac to be Godmother to the twins. When she turned her down explaining that she was getting too attached to them, Lily asked Traci, and she accepted in memory of Colleen. Devon felt honored to be the twin's Godfather.

Mac told J.T. that she wanted to return to Darfur to get her mind off the twins, but J.T. convinced her that her future was in Genoa City with him, and asked her to move in with him. Mac accepted, and Reed was thrilled. After Victoria learned that they were living together, she decided to fight for custody of Reed again. But J.T., pointing at the exposed "Billy Abbott" tattoo on her lower back, reminded her that with her lack of employment and a home, he would still appear to be the more stable parent and win.

Mac and J.T. decided to try to have a baby of their own, and it didn't take long before Mac was pregnant. J.T. was offered a job as Civilian consultant to the Genoa City Police Department, and jumped at the chance to get away from the corporate world of the Newmans and Tucker.

In mid-October 2010, Cane, Lily, and the twins went to the lake in an attempt to escape Blake, the Australian who was watching them. Cane decided they should return to Genoa City when a policeman warned them that a tornado was headed their way. As Cane took their things to the car, he was jumped by Blake. They fought as the storm got worse, Cane overpowered Blake, and dragged him into a root cellar. Blake threatened Cane that if he turned him in to the police, Blake would expose the fact that Cane had been one of the cattle rustlers, but had turned on the gang to save himself. Blake offered to leave Cane and his family alone for five million dollars, which he was sure that Katherine and Jill could provide. Before leaving, Blake whacked Cane over the head with a pipe wrench.

While J.T., Mac, and Reed were having a family day, J.T. offered a ring and proposed to Mac. Mac was touched, said she loved him enough to marry him, but it had happened so fast and she liked things just as they were for now. As a storm approached, they stopped at the Athletic Club for dinner. J.T. received a call from a panicked Lily, who was hiding from a tornado under a table inside a cottage at the lake, telling him that Cane had disappeared. J.T. left Reed with Mac and drove up to the lake to help. J.T. left Reed with Mac and drove up to the lake to help. Cane made his way back to the cottage covered in blood and told Lily he never found the guy but had been hit by debris. Later, as Mac sang a lullaby to Reed, the tornado caught J.T. on the road and caused him to crash into a power pole. The pole and power lines fell on the car as J.T. climbed out into the rain, electrocuting him. Cane and Lily discovered J.T. unconscious in his wrecked car on the drive home. With no cell phone service, Lily went to a gas station they had just passed to call an ambulance. Cane removed the power lines from the car with a tree branch and pulled J.T. out, finding no heartbeat. J.T. had a "walking into the light" experience, but Cane brought him back with artificial resuscitation, and J.T. awoke gasping for breath.

Later at the hospital, Cane checked out fine and was uncomfortable when Lily called him a hero. Mac sat at J.T.'s bedside in intensive care, thinking him still unconscious, and poured her heart about how much she regretted acting so adult by not accepting his proposal. J.T. opened his eyes and said, "I knew you'd come around." Mac notified Victoria that Reed was fine but J.T. had been electrocuted, so Billy drove Victoria to the hospital. Victoria told J.T. she remembered how he had sat vigil with her when she was in a coma, realized she almost lost him, and vowed they would get along. J.T. later asked Billy if he and Victoria would take care of Reed if he did not make it, and Billy assured J.T. that they would.

Meanwhile, Cane insisted that Lily and the twins move in with Neil so they would be safe, then Cane checked the Internet for how to take on a new identity, and found a dead person named James Collier who was born in 1973 like Cane.

J.T. recovered and his burns began to heal after several days in intensive care. Mac told J.T. that she wished he wouldn't join the police force and that she had a better alternative for them both working in Washington, D.C. for a small non-profit that helped people in distress. But J.T. said that police work was his dream, his own way of helping people. Then J.T.'s doctor gave him the news that he had extensive heart damage due to the electrical current which would keep him from joining the force or doing anything else as strenuous or stressful. After some discussion, J.T. and Mac made plans to move to Washington, D.C., and J.T. gave Victoria the news that he intended to take their son Reed with them. Victoria threw a fit and J.T. reminded her that he had full custody. Victoria rushed out, promising there was no way J.T. was going to take Reed across state lines.

Mac received a job offer from a non-profit in Washington, DC, and they decided it could be a new start for them both with J.T. working there too. J.T. and Mac packed to move, and J.T. gave Victoria the news that he intended to take their son Reed with them. Victoria threw a fit and J.T. reminded her that he had full custody. Victoria conferred with both Michael and Vance, who told her she had no right to stop them. Hearing the news, Katherine decided J.T. and Mac needed an impromptu wedding that very day. With the help of Chloe and Kevin, some strings pulled by Katherine to get a license, and Mac's father Brock arriving to perform the ceremony, they were married at the Chancellor Estate. Paul was the best man, and Lily the matron of honor. Billy and Victoria attended the ceremony, ironically each extending their ex-husband and wife good wishes for a happy life together. Then after Victoria bade a tearful goodbye to her son, J.T., Mac, and Reed left for Washington DC driving the GTO off into the sunset.

Reed stayed with Victoria and Billy in Genoa City during the birth of J.T. and Mac's child, Dylan, but he returned to Washington D.C. afterward.

In January 2017, a 15-year-old Reed showed up at Victoria's door in Genoa City with a police officer, having gotten there by bus without his parent's knowledge. He explained that J.T. and Mac were having another baby and were moving to Warsaw, Poland, and he did not want to go but wanted to live with her. Victoria let J.T. know, and he told her that he and Reed had not been getting along for some time. They agreed to let Reed stay with Victoria.

In December 2017, Newman Enterprises was under investigation, and J.T. returned to Genoa City at the behest of Paul and Christine as an online investigator for the U.S. Treasury Department. Newman checked out clean, but there had been a large online offshore money transfer in Victor's personal bank account.

Victoria was surprised to see J.T., and they had dinner together to catch up. J.T. explained that the treasury job was the one that took him to Warsaw, he and Mac's son Dylan was now known as "D.J.", and their daughter Becca was just learning to walk.

Nikki and Victoria approached J.T., Nikki confessed that the offshore transfer had actually been done by her, stealing money from Victor, and they asked for his help in exonerating Victor and keeping Nikki out of prison for embezzlement. J.T. refused, so Victoria confessed to Victor what Nikki had done. Surprisingly though, J.T. came to them, telling them the investigation was over, with a bank error listed as the findings. Victor asked that he be the one to give Nikki the news, and J.T. agreed. Paul and Christine were skeptical, but they trusted J.T.

Reed ignored the texts and voicemails from J.T. wanting to see him. Finding out that Reed and Mattie were a couple, J.T. asked Cane to invite them to dinner, and J.T. was there. On his way out of town on Christmas Eve, J.T. ran into Victoria. He admitted that he and Mackenzie were separated, he had lost his full time job with the Treasury Department, and was only working freelance. J.T. explained that he and Mac had just grown apart after Becca was born, and she had moved with the children back to Washington D.C. While talking about how much he missed his kids, Victoria reminded him that he still had Reed, and invited him to stay with them for Christmas. J.T. told Reed about his and Mac's separation, and he took it well. Reed and Mattie attended a party, and Reed had a couple beers. Mattie tried to keep him from driving home, refused to go with him, and threatened to call the police – which she did after Reed left without her. Reed was stopped and arrested for driving under the influence. J.T. decided Reed needed him to stay in Genoa City. Cane gave J.T. a job at Chancellor, and invited him to stay at the Chancellor estate. Just as he was settling in, Mac had him served with divorce papers.

Reed was sentenced to a year's suspended driver's license and a fine thanks to Mattie trying to influence the judge at his trial in his favor which only made things worse. After Reed overheard his parents discussing sending him to boarding school, he slipped out of the house with a bag and his guitar. Landing at Billy and Phyllis' apartment, they called Victoria. Nikki and Victor took Reed home, intent on straightening him out with a regimented life of chores, exercise, and discipline. Meanwhile J.T. and Victoria argued about Reed and how their marriage had broken up, she kicked him out in the cold, then let him in when he pleaded for his coat. They passionately kissed and made love on the stairs, and J.T. spent the night. They made love again on her desk the next day, and were caught by Victor in her living room when he walked in unexpectedly. Victoria was impressed with how well J.T. stood up to Victor now, called him fearless, and invited him to move in. They invited Reed to return and told him to get a job or sell his guitar, that he could not use his savings to pay his fine. J.T. confided that he was taking meds for his heart condition, after affects from his electrocution years ago, and that he had checked in with a new doctor in town.

J.T. was hanging around town feeling unfulfilled doing busy work at Chancellor while Victoria was immersed in her job as always, finding the heart that he and Colleen had carved on a booth at Crimson Lights, and trading barbs with Billy. Victoria offered J.T. his old job as head of security, but he was reluctant to work for Newman, or Victoria again. He took a side job offered by Phyllis investigating a fraud site that was siphoning off online orders from Fenmore's for Chelsea 2.0 fashions. J.T. discovered that Alexandra West was the registered owner of the bogus site, with a social security number of a woman who had died 15 years prior. He tracked down her local bank account just minutes after she had closed it. After Sharon told Phyllis how Nick had found thousands of dollars in the air duct while remodeling their bathroom, Phyllis suspected Chelsea of being the thief, and accused her in front of Nick.

Cane put J.T. on probation for moonlighting at Fenmore's, so J.T. quit and went back to his old job as chief of security at Newman instead. He and Victoria rekindled their romance, and J.T. appeared to be working on curbing his jealousy of her relationship with Billy and her being a workaholic. But the disclosure to viewers that J.T. was actually working undercover for Paul and Christine to uncover Newman's global price fixing activities, shed a new light. They had gotten J.T. to admit that Nikki had stolen money from Victor, and he had accepted the job so long as Victoria had immunity.

Mac suddenly was demanding full custody of their children because J.T. had moved in with Victoria. Victoria made things worse, by leaving a voice mail for Mac hoping to come to an understanding, angering J.T. because he had told her to stay out of it. J.T. searched Victor's home office, cracked the safe, and found a key inside. Afterward, Victor watched video taken from inside the safe, had J.T. followed, and had surveillance cameras installed at Victoria's – just in time to record a big fight where J.T. got verbally abusive and violent. Victoria slapped him, he grabbed her around the neck leaving bruises, shoved her against a wall, and slammed his fist into it, right next to her face.

Victor supposedly left town, so J.T. returned the next day looking for whatever the key would fit. Victor appeared, showed him the videos of him being inside his safe and choking Victoria, saying. "How dare you lay hands on my daughter!" Victor accused J.T. of working for Paul and Christine. J.T. replied how he enjoyed taking Victor down because he was the reason Colleen was dead. Victor told him to get out of town, that he was a loser, or he would ruin his life with Victoria and his kids. It got physical and J.T. caused Victor to tumble down the stairs. J.T. left Victor unconscious, taking his tablet computer, he then removed the camera from Victoria's house.

Jack found Victor and called 911, but was later arrested for attempted murder of Victor. J.T. accompanied Victoria on frequent visits to Victor's hospital bed while he was in a coma. J.T. snuck in one night and disconnected Victor's breathing tube. Victor was saved in time, but suffered a minor stroke. When Victor began regaining consciousness, J.T. convinced Victoria to leave town with him to Hawaii with the family. Once they were there, he tried to convince her not to return. After J.T. took away her phone, Victoria used his and discovered he had been texting Paul for months spying on Victor. Victoria broke up with J.T. and took the kids home.

J.T. returned home, and in a conversation with Cane, appeared to be remorseful, telling Cane that he was leaving town, and that Cane may hear bad things about him. Then J.T. snuck into Victoria's bedroom to get his things, and fought with Victoria. It got heated and he slugged her, causing Victoria to realize that J.T. had been the one who tried to murder her father. J.T. claimed it was an accident, but Victoria protested that he walked away and left him to die, then tried again at the hospital. J.T. proclaimed that Victor deserved it, being responsible for Colleen's death. The fight was interrupted by Nikki, Sharon and Phyllis who had been waiting downstairs to console Victoria over her breakup. Nikki whacked J.T. over the head with a poker as he got violent with Victoria again. They were shocked to discover that J.T. was dead. Afraid that Nikki would be arrested, as well as her accomplices, they made plans to hide the body. After Paul arrived looking for J.T, and left, they decided to bury J.T. in the recently dug garden at Chancellor Park. Everyone else assumed that J.T. had gone on the run, despite his belongings and car being left behind.

Paul led a police investigation to find J.T., and so did Victor and Nick Newman, but all came up empty. J.T.'s phone went active, but was traced to a homeless man who found in a dumpster, and it was confiscated by the police. Paul, suspicious of Victoria, got her to admit that she had given J.T. money under duress, and helped him escape, feeling that his never being about to go home or be in touch with Reed was punishment enough. Three months after his disappearance an old credit card of J.T's began being used, and there were sightings, each coming closer to Genoa City. One night Sharon and Nikki were shocked to recognize J.T. outside Sharon's window at the ranch. Victor received a message to meet J.T. inside an abandoned building, and refused Nikki's advice to call police, causing her to believe that Victor intended to kill him. Viewers saw a dark-haired man remove a J.T. mask and place a diagram on a wall containing Newman photos connecting to a central photo of J.T. It turned out that Nick got the Newman security codes from J.T.'s phone, hired someone to break into the Newman server and expose Victor's medical records, and got a prosthetic expert to make him a face of J.T. to make it look like J.T. was behind it all. The man with the diagram turned out to be Rey Rosales, an investigator looking into the disappearance of J.T.

J.T. had installed surveillance cameras at Victoria's house. Ironically, a video of the women loading J.T. into Victoria's SUV turned up and was used to blackmail them. After J.T.'s watch and DNA were found in the burial location in Chancellor park, the disappearance became a murder investigation. His son Reed insisted on having a memorial service where the only one who could think of anything good to say about him was Traci Abbott who reminisced about how wonderful he had been with his daughter Colleen. After Victor Newman's stables burned to the ground and a shirt with J.T.'s blood on it and a gun were found in the remains, Victor was arrested for J.T.'s murder and jailed without bail. J.T. began "haunting Victor's house, playing with and enticing Victoria's young daughter Katie. Katie disappeared and was found inside the wall, where surveillance equipment was found. Nick and Victor became convinced that J.T. was still alive. Nikki confessed and went on trial for intentional homicide, and Sharon and Victoria as accessories. But Phyllis was released after turning states evidence. All three were found guilty and sentenced to prison. On their way to prison it was arranged for them to escape and hide out at the Abbott cabin to trap J.T. after Nick had finally convinced detective Rey he was alive. But J.T. knocked out the guards and held the three women with hands and feet zip-tied inside. J.T. ranted at them for trying to kill him and bury him alive, and began smashing things. He explained that he had been buried over a storm drain, his body had fallen in and sent out to the river. Writhing in pain, J.T. ruptured the fireplace gas line by wielding a poker. He passed out from the pain, and the women from the gas. Billy, Nick and Victor rescued them.

J.T. was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery to remove it. Afterward, Victoria visited him. J.T. apologized, wishing they could have cut out his memories, admitting he was broken before he returned, wanting to blame everyone else for his problems, but thought Victoria would fix him. He assured her that everything that happened was his fault, that Nikki was right for stopping him, and he had deserved to die. Victoria told him that no one wanted him dead, not them, Mac, or his children. She asked why he didn't get help. J.T. said he saw Mac become afraid of him, throw him out, but he didn't fix it. He asked her to tell everyone he was sorry. Victoria said she might forgive him someday, could never hate him, but cannot forget. She told him to concentrate on Reed who has his voice and holds a guitar the way J.T. did. Reed visited J.T. and agreed to give him another chance, was ready to hang out together and play their guitars. But J.T. was arrested for attempted murder of Victor. Reed was upset, but J.T. declared that he needed to pay for what he had done. Victoria asked Reed to come home with her, but he said he could not run home to mommy anymore. J.T. pled guilty and agreed to do time in prison.

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