* Baby, baby (GH Two Scoops Commentary for May 7, 2018) | Soap Central

Marcia, Marcia, Henrik!

For the Week of May 7, 2018
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Nelle continues to haunt Carly, this time at Morgan's grave
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Has Henrik reached Marcia, Marcia, Marcia status? Everyone seems to be investigating him, but with the audience already knowing who Henrik is, does that lessen its impact when the on-screen characters finally figure it out?

Dear readers, I'm getting a little dizzy right now... Nelle is trying to drive Carly insane to get her out of the way, but now she is also making Carly the guardian of her child? I don't know how those two devious plans overlap or fit together to make a cohesive scheme. Maybe I'm not maniacal enough to follow loony logic, but I can't put the pieces of this puzzle together to get a clear picture.

Are the pills giving Carly headaches, or did Nelle secretly take a move out of Ava's handbook and switch Carly's pills? Is there something legitimately wrong with Carly? Who knows. I can't quite tell yet.

My plea to the writers: please do not let Nelle and Maxie give birth on the same day. I will not be amused if there is a baby switcheroo.

Chloe Lanier won the Daytime Emmy -- and deservedly so -- because she drives me insane and makes me crazy, which is her job as a villain. She also has a sympathetic quality, and sometimes I accidentally find myself feeling compassion and sympathy for her. I want to like Nelle. Back in the day, I liked Carly when she was a train wreck, too. Maybe I see some of myself in the deeply flawed characters.

Sonny's entire family is involved is some sort of chaos -- Nelle is trying to drive Carly mad, Ava blackmailed Sonny into giving her joint custody of Avery to keep Mike out of jail, Mike is battling Alzheimer's and losing, and Michael has a baby mama who is a psycho. Not a good time to be a Corinthos.

Other than that, it's been feeling a little like "all Henrik all the time." All of Port Charles seems tied up in the web of lies of Peter August (a.k.a. Henrik) -- Anna and Henrik. Robert and Henrik. Jason and Henrik. Sam and Henrik. Spinelli and Henrik. Maxie and Henrik, Nina and Henrik, Lulu and Henrik. Dante and Henrik. Everybody in town is talking about, investigating, crying over, scheming, or contemplating him.

I like Wes Ramsey. I like Peter August. My assumption is that in spite of the deception and name change, Henrik Faison is actually a decent guy, but one messed up from being raised by Caesar Faison. But this storyline has taken over the entire town of Port Charles and I'm ready for the truth to come out. It is May Sweeps, so hopefully soon.

Side note, where, oh where, is Liesl Obrecht these days? Wouldn't she have mentioned Britta's half-brother at some point in time? Has anyone thought to go see Britt in jail and ask her about her brother?

I wonder where Robert thought he was headed when Valentin drugged him. Question -- why did Valentin let Robert see he drugged him? Why didn't he just drug Robert's drink and let him wake up in whatever place he's whisking him off to, none the wiser about who abducted him? Because it's a soap, that's why.

I'm a little disheartened because I like to pretend that Valentin is a good guy and not a secretive, conniving Cassadine. On days like this when they remind me he's a villain, it makes me a little peeved. I'm as smitten with him as Nina is, and like her, I always believe him when he lies.

However, I disagree with Anna. I don't think Valentin has been holding Henrik back to use him against her all thee years. I think he genuinely cares for Anna. But obviously there is some reason he lied about Henrik. We just don't know what it is yet. Do you have any theories?

Maxie is very fond of Peter August. She has no idea that Peter is also P.K. Sinclair, the man who donated funds to the L.E.A.F. program in Nathan's name, and ultimately is Henrik. Imagine having to keep track of three separate identities!

There were two incredibly sweet scenes revolving around Nathan this week. The first was a sighting of Amy's brother Chet showing up at just the right moment with his clean and sober chip and letting Maxie know that Nathan's life inspired him to change. I agree with Maxie -- it seemed like Nathan sent Chet to her from the great beyond.

The other was Nina. After much protestation about the origin of the file of memories Peter had about Nathan, Nina actually went through the file and found sweet treasures from her brother's life. When Madeline confirmed she gave those things to Peter, Nina softened and asked Curtis to call off the investigation.

I'm a bit puzzled about the storyline with Franco and Liz, and Jim Harvey's other victims. I think it's great that Franco is putting the minds of other victims at ease, but the one lone victim who wants to meet, is he going to end up being Harvey's kid, or Franco's long-lost brother or what? The previews seem to indicate that he thinks Jim Harvey is a great guy, so there must be some explanation.

Kiki and Dr. Bensch. As Kiki mentioned this week, she hasn't even started med school yet, so why on earth would she not quit the Shadow Program? She knows creepy Dr. Bensch got her into the program in spite of the fact that T.J. had better grades than she did. Kiki! Get. Out. He wants something from you in return, and you know what it is. He's cruel to her, then kind -- playing mind games with her. I can hardly wait until she falls apart in Griffin's arms on the same night he's pissed at Ava for being a blackmailing, manipulative liar.

I understand Ava being willing to go to any length to get custody of her daughter, but not threatening to imprison an old man with Alzheimer's. I'm on Griffin's side here. Truth be told, neither Sonny nor Ava should be allowed to raise children. But I have to admit, they are both better parents than Jim Harvey.

Have you heard that Elizabeth Hendrickson is coming to Port Charles? I'm very curious about which role she will play. I enjoyed her on The Young and the Restless as Chloe (until they made her deranged), and I look forward to her reuniting with her old Y&R pals Billy Miller and Michele Stafford. Maybe she will be part of Drew's past? But since it's Henrik week, maybe she will be connected to him. I'd love it if she ended up playing Drew's divorce lawyer.

Jordan had a cancer scare for about five minutes, and in that time, Curtis proposed. She said no, because she assumed it was a pity proposal, but now he believes she is okay and still wants to marry her. T.J. gave Curtis his blessing, but Aunt Stella was a harder sell.

Vernee Watson (Aunt Stella) won a Daytime Emmy, too. (Congratulations!) But I admit I have such mixed feelings about her character. When she is with Curtis, telling him who he can date, I can't stand her. When she is at work and helping Sonny wrap his head around Mike's disease, I love her. I understand Stella's unwillingness to make peace with a woman she feels is responsible for a death of a loved one, but after you're 18, you don't really need your Auntie's blessing to get married or anything else.

What will happen tomorrow? Will you change your Siri voice to Australian Male like I did so it will sound like Robert Scorpio? Will people start calling Josslyn Carly's Mini Me? Will Anna's spy game of pretending to pretend to be Henrik's mother become complicated because she actually is Henrik's mother? Will Sam stay on at Aurora media because she still can't make up her mind between her two husbands?

Will Finn forgive Alexis for trying to reunite him with his half-brother Chase? Will Jason and Sam have lunch at Noodle Buddha? Will Jordan say yes to the dress (and to Curtis) when he proposes again? Will Lynn Herring and Laura Wright get more scenes together? Here's hoping, because their chemistry this week was palpable. Will Valentin send more flowers to Nathan's grave, or is he on an extended drugging people's drinks tour?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.

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