I've been traveling so much of late, I thought I must be seeing things. But last Wednesday's show was quite a shocker. Even with the spoilers, I'm not sure what I really expected from this odd episode.
On the positive side, I loved the fact that we didn't see the Beacon - home to nearly every character these days - or the hideously ugly new Cedar's with it's Tiki Hut interiors. The outside shots were great - giving us a different look and breaking up the sameness that filming in a closed set gives you.
And the pairings of characters who don't normally share scenes was great to see. I'd like to see GL mix things up a bit (that doesn't mean romantically - we're running out of pairings for some characters already).
That being said, the storylines were odd. The whole show didn't really connect with anything else. It was like you took characters out of character for a day - like the whole "dream" episode months back. I guess that Alan's drug will be the fuel for shows this week that I have yet to see - but the rest was filler - fun for a day - but didn't move stories anywhere.
Speaking of Alan, it seems he never tires of meddling in his family's life. He's clearly a man who hasn't learned from his past mistakes. Which generally leaves him all alone and miserable.
Speaking of, Alex is certainly setting herself up for heartbreak. I had finally gotten used to Marina's newest Aussie bad boy when we are thrown this curveball. Alex is one of those characters I love to see more of so I'm glad for the story, but I always thought she and Buzz would end up together.
I know this is short, but since I am so late in getting this in I'll end for now. Cooperstown was fabulous!! I saw Cal Ripken, Jr. and Tony Gwynn go into the Hall of Fame on Sunday. Only two more trips this month and then I can relax for awhile and concentrate on the Light.
Keep the Light Shining and Have a Great Week!