This is the column I knew I'd have to write one day, one that we've been able to put off for a long time. But on April 1st, CBS announced that it was canceling Guiding Light. The show's last episode is set to air Friday, September 18, 2009.
I can't say that I am shocked - the rumors have been out there for years. We've heard the rumors, the blind items in the trade press and soap magazines. Now we know what has been done. But what we don't know is if this is all WE can do.
I have to admit that I was in the bubble of my company's Annual Meeting all week and had little access to television or the Internet. So when I received a text from my non-GL friend James, I nearly drove off the road. Now that the shock has settled in, and I have tried to sort through the news about the change, I think we need to all react as swiftly as possible - to save GL.
P&G is reportedly working to find GL a new home - so please don't boycott their products. What we need to do is stay positive - but determined - to fight like hell to save the show. Here are some points of contact:
The Procter & Gamble Company
1 or 2, Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Phone: (513) 983-1100
Brian T. Cahill, Sr. V.P., Managing Director for TeleVest Daytime Programs
Procter & Gamble Productions
c/o Televest
World Wide Plaza
825 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10019
To contact Telenext directly:
Greg Ross
Vice President, Media and Programming
Procter & Gamble
One Procter & Gamble Plaza
PO Box 599
Cincinnati, Ohio 45201-0599
We also know that the show, CBS, and P&G visit the message boards to see what fans are saying. I know they have officially contacted me a few times, as well. So please visit the message boards and talk about the show. Take a few moments each day to write something, encourage your GL friends (past and present) to write. Talk about the show and what it has meant to you. If we each do a little something each day, maybe we can make a difference.
There are a number of groups on Facebook that have been started, such as Keep the Light Shining - Save Guiding Light!: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=67476745670&ref=ts
I know many of you know people who watched GL in the past, so please encourage them to help out. We need to act fast and keep up the pressure to save the show. This sort of thing has worked before so it is not impossible.
Now back to the show itself. With all of the drama off-screen it was easy to forget the drama on-screen as well. Reva and Jeffrey's baby finally arrived - but can Reva's cancer be cured? I have to admit that this story pulls more at my heart now than ever. My good friend Robin lost her battle with cancer Sunday - she was just 51. Fortunately through the miracle of daytime and modern medicine, Reva can survive. But it reminds me that there are people out there fighting each day to battle this deadly disease.
I thought the choice of Colin Jeffrey O'Neill was a good one - Colin has meant so much to Reva throughout her fight. And to name the adorable little tyke after two of the people fighting for her is a fitting tribute. Many of you have asked and I do not know yet how this storyline ends. Kim Zimmer's contract is up in June so I don't know how the show will deal with such matters. I would imagine they'll keep most people on as long as the stories continue.
Now that little Colin is here, how will Shayne react since he learned of Lara's pregnancy? Many of you have guessed the way this story is about to twist and turn, but I won't spoil it here. It's always nice to see how involved the fans are in thinking about the plots on GL. Of course, I'd like the little guy to meet his other brother Jonathan as well - that would be interesting....
Whether or not we know how this story - and this show ends, it is important for all of us to stay focused on working to promote the show in a positive light for as long as we can...
Together We Can...Keep the Light Shining!